This site is totally concerned with Making Money online or offline. Because today's generation is totally looking for those sites via which they can earn huge amount of money. That's why i made it. And guys seriously thanks for your valuable comments and feedback. Whenever i got comments, suggestions from your side, really you made my days. Well now just concentrate on this article, This article is based on How to make money Fiverr. Now the question arise what is Fiverr? Let me clear you Fiverr is the largest innovative freelance and networking website. On Fiverr, you can offer just about any product or service without having any knowledge about composing or programming etc. If you seriously want to earn huge amount of money than there is no better option rather than fiverr. Have a look!

How To Get Started With Fiverr:-

1. Firstly i would like to say, it is free of cost. You can join it free of cost.

2. You have to sign up and then you are ready to make money online.

3. What is "gigs"?
Gigs are based on CV. You can create gigs according to your need. You can also offer gigs to your companions. Its a kind of service provide to your visitors and audience. Lets take an example A resume is a writing service will may draw more customer than a gig offering a video of you playing happy birthday on Kazoo.

4. After doing the above steps, now you can offer your service to your audience, you can show you work of sample, your videos, cards also you can view gigs.

5. Add your links on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. Highlight your sites links so your buyers get to know about your service, terms & conditions etc. 

How To Get Paid:-

Remember when you sold your product/item on fiverr, you doesn't get $5, actually you get paid $4 because fiverr charged $1 as their service. Fiverr only accept PayPal and make payments twice a month. Top sellers made 7000 sales last year. Multiply that by $4, that’s around $28,000!  Not bad!!

Things not to do!

1) Do not use poor image to display.
2) Never use a long description for your item, Your thumbnail never carry a long description.
3) You should never lie about your services, Be Honest with your service and with your work.
4) Not offering multiple services at one time.
5)  If you’re going to approach the same niche as everyone else you’ll have to make it your own and unique. 

How To Make More Money On Fiverr:-

You need to get many orders to make handsome income. Well, but your way of thinking while using Fiverr to make money should be different. It’s a platform for you to get the customer. Try to be litle bit unique, offer some interesting item and service. Make your profile attractive. It’s like a golden opportunity for you to impress the client to grab more orders from him/her. Make your gigs unique, attractive, original. Try to provide well services to your customers. Be original..!!
