Celebrities and various stars also create their accounts and share the latest news related to them, they also share the pictures, songs and videos by which common people know what's going on in their favourite celebrities life. People love to click on follow button and become the part of their favourite celebrity life. Every one knows that “Every picture has a story”, so without much a do i would like to share some pics which is famous and seen in twitter account. I hope you liked it!!
Twitter Pics of the week
1) Opening Ceremony
Fireworks shoot towards the night sky above the
2) Cycling in Olympics
RT to cheer for Olympians that ride in the rain.
3) Swimming
An expression of gold-winning effort - a stunning shot of Ryan Lochte in the
4) One Direction's Second Anniversary
British boy band One Direction celebrated its 2-year anniversary on July 12.
5) Double Rainbow
Seen double rainbow posted to Twitter by @AnnTran
6) Nicki Potato Head
No difference in this pic. Compares artist Nicki Minaj to Mrs. Potato Head.
7) Summer Time View
Tweeter @lick_it shared this photo of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, via Instagram.
8) What a Conversation
This photo of a ridiculous iPhone text conversation was especially popular this week.
9) Beach Time
Two people enjoy the lovely evening time.
10) Katy Perry Doesn't Tell Minnie
"Don't tell Minnie" was the caption Katy Perry posted along with this picture.
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